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Whittington, G. & Edwards, K. J.  (1997) Evolution of a machair landscape: pollen and related studies from Benbecula, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 87: 515-531

Whittington, G. & Ritchie, W.  (1988) Flandrian environmental evolution on north-east Benbecula and southern Grimsay, Outer Hebrides. Scotland, O'Dell Memorial Monograph, Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen  

Whittington, G., Edwards, K. J. & Hall, A. M.  (2001) Vegetational stability and rare species from Early Holocene Lewis. Botanical Journal of Scotland 53: 121-133

Wild, O. H.  (1931) Notes on the pecularities of some Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera from the Inner and Outer Hebrides. The Scottish Naturalist 190: 113-119

Wilding, T. A., Hughes, D. J. & Black, K. D  (2005) The benthic environment of the North and West of Scotland and the Northern and Western Isles: sources of information and overview.. Report 1 to METOC. Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban  

Wilkins, D. A.  (1984) The Flandrian woods of Lewis (Scotland). Journal of Ecology 72: 251-258

Wilkinson, N. I. & Wilson, J.D.  (2010) Breeding ecology of Twite Carduelis flavirostris in a crofting landscape. Bird Study 57(2): 142-155

Williamson, David & Johnson, Chris  (2021) Cosmarium luxuriosum var. papilliformis var. nov. A new desmid variety from the Outer Hebrides. Quekett Journal of Microscopy 44: 1 53-55

Williamson, K.  (1951) Wrens of Fair Isle and St Kilda. Ibis 93: 599-601

Williamson, K.  (1958) Population and breeding environment of Wrens, St Kilda. British Birds 51: 368-393

Williamson, K.  (1960) Development of young Snipe as studied by mist netting, St Kilda. Bird Study 7: 63-76

Williamson, K. & Boyd, J. M.  (1960) St Kilda Summer. Hutchinson  

Wilmott, A. J.  (1939) Notes on a Short Visit to Barra. Journal of Botany 77: 189-194

Wilmott, A. J.  (1948) Further botanising in Uig . Scottish Naturalist 60:  82-90

Wilson, J. D., Boyle, J., Jackson, D. B., Lowe, B. & Wilkinson, N. I.  (2007) Effect of cereal harvesting method on a recent population decline of Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra on the Western Isles of Scotland. Bird Study 54: 362-370

Wilson, J. R.  (1978) Agricultural influences on waders nesting on the South Uist machair. Bird Study 25: 198-206

Witt, M. J., Doherty, P. D., Godley, B. J., Graham, R. T., Hawkes, L. A. & Henderson, S. M.  (2013) Basking shark satellite tagging project: insights into basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) movement and distribution using satellite telemetry (Interim report November 2013).. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report Number 700  

Witt, M. J., Doherty, P. D., Godley, B. J., Graham, R. T., Hawkes, L. A. & Henderson, S. M.  (2016) Basking shark satellite tagging project: insights into basking shark ( Cetorhinus maximus ) movement, distribution and behaviour using satellite telemetry. Final Report.. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report Number 908  

Wotton, S. R., Eaton, M., Ewing, S. R. & Green, R. E.  (2015) The increase in the Corncrake Crex crex population of the United Kingdom has slowed. Bird Study 62: 486-497

Young, E.  (2015) Variations and trends in the sensitivity of machair soils and coastal landforms to erosion, South Uist, Outer Hebrides. Doctoral Thesis, University of Dundee