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Neill, W. & Macdonald, M.  (2019) Occurrence of Dioctria baumhaueri Meigen (Diptera, Asilidae) in the Western Isles. Dipterists Digest 26: 47-48

Newton, A. C., Davy, L. M., Holden, E., Silverside, A., Watling, R. & Ward, S. D.  (2003) Staus, distribution and definition of mycologically important grasslands in Scotland. Biological Conservation 11: 11-23

Nicol, E. A. T.  (1936) The brackish-water lochs of North Uist. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 56: 169-195

Nicol, E. A. T.  (1936) The fauna of Loch Bee. Scottish Naturalist  131-134

Northridge, S., Cargill, A., Coram, A., Mandleberg, L., Calderan, S. & Reid, B.  (2010) Entanglement of minke whales in Scottish waters; an investigation into occurrence, causes and mitigation. Sea Mammal Research Unit, St. Andrews  

Norton, T. A.  (1972) The marine algae of Lewis and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. British Phycological Journal 7: 375-385

Norton, T. A. & Powell, H. T.  (1979) Seaweeds and rocky shores of the Outer Hebrides. Proceeding Royal Society Proceeding Royal Society Edinburgh. Section B Biological Sciences 77: 141-153

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