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Waterston, J. (1926) A note on Alomyia debellator Fab.. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 62: 98
Waterston, J. & Taylor, J. W. (1906) Land and fresh water molluscs of St. Kilda. Annals of Scottish Natural History 57: 21-24
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Watling, R., Irvine, L. M. & Norton, T. A. (1970) The marine algae of St. Kilda. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 41: 31-41
Watson, E. V. (1938) Notes on the Flora of Barra, Outer Hebrides. Journal of Botany 77: 5-8
Watson, E. V. (1939) The Mosses of Barra, Outer Hebrides. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 32: 516-541
Weir, C. R., Macleod, C. D. & Calderan, S. V. (2009) Fine-scale habitat selection by white-beaked and common dolphins in the Minch (Scotland, UK): evidence for interspecific competition or coexistence?. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89: 951-960
Weir, J. J. (1881) Notes on the Lepidoptera of the Outer Hebrides. Entomologist 14: 218-223
Welch, R. C. (1979) Survey of the invertebrate fauna of sand dune and machair sites in the Outer Hebrides during 1976. Proceeding Royal Society Proceeding Royal Society Edinburgh. Section B Biological Sciences 77: 395-404
Wentworth-Thompson, D'Arcy (1918) On Whales landed at the Scottish Whaling Stations, especially during the years 1908-1914. Part I. The Nordcaper. The Scottish Naturalist 81: 197-208
Wentworth-Thompson, D'Arcy (1918) On Whales landed at the Scottish Whaling Stations, especially during the years 1908-1914. Parts II. and III. The Sperm-whale and Blue-whale. The Scottish Naturalist 82
Wentworth-Thompson, D'Arcy (1919) On Whales landed at the Scottish Whaling Stations, especially during the years 1908-1914. Part VII. The Sei whale. The Scottish Naturalist 87: 37-46
Wentworth-Thompson, D'Arcy (1919) On Whales landed at the Scottish Whaling Stations, especially during the years 1908-1914. Parts IV. to VI. The Bottle-nose, Humpback and Finner Whales. The Scottish Naturalist 85: 1-16
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White, F. B. (1882) The Lepidoptera of Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides. Scottish Naturalist 6: 289-291, 337-344
Whitehead, Paul F. (2014) The Coleoptera of the Scottish Outer Hebridean machair - success , failure, life, death and evolution in an exposed terrestrial environment.. Entomologist's Gazette 65: 37-61