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West, G. S.  (1903) Notes on some Scottish freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa. Annals Scottish Natural History 14: 89-94

West, W. & West, G. S.  (1909) The British Freswater Phytoplankton, with Special Reference to the Desmid-plankton and the Distribution of British Desmids. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character 81: 165-206

West, W. S. & West, G. S.  (1903) Scottish Freshwater Plankton. Journal Linnean Society. Botany 35: 519-556

White, F. B.  (1882) The Lepidoptera of Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides. Scottish Naturalist 6: 289-291, 337-344

Whitehead, Paul F.  (2014) The Coleoptera of the Scottish Outer Hebridean machair - success , failure, life, death and evolution in an exposed terrestrial environment.. Entomologist's Gazette 65: 37-61

Whiteley, D., Garland, S. P. & Hancock, E. G.  (1994) A Survey of Diptera on South Uist and Adjacent Outer Hebridean islands. Dipterists Digest 14: 32-43

Whittington, G &, Edwards, K. J.  (2000) Illecebrum verticillatum L. in the Outer Hebrides. Botanical Journal of Scotland 52: 101-104

Whittington, G. & Edwards, K. J.  (1997) Evolution of a machair landscape: pollen and related studies from Benbecula, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 87: 515-531

Whittington, G. & Ritchie, W.  (1988) Flandrian environmental evolution on north-east Benbecula and southern Grimsay, Outer Hebrides. Scotland, O'Dell Memorial Monograph, Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen  

Whittington, G., Edwards, K. J. & Hall, A. M.  (2001) Vegetational stability and rare species from Early Holocene Lewis. Botanical Journal of Scotland 53: 121-133

Wild, O. H.  (1931) Notes on the pecularities of some Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera from the Inner and Outer Hebrides. The Scottish Naturalist 190: 113-119

Wilding, T. A., Hughes, D. J. & Black, K. D  (2005) The benthic environment of the North and West of Scotland and the Northern and Western Isles: sources of information and overview.. Report 1 to METOC. Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban  

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Williamson, David & Johnson, Chris  (2021) Cosmarium luxuriosum var. papilliformis var. nov. A new desmid variety from the Outer Hebrides. Quekett Journal of Microscopy 44: 1 53-55

Williamson, K.  (1951) Wrens of Fair Isle and St Kilda. Ibis 93: 599-601

Williamson, K.  (1958) Population and breeding environment of Wrens, St Kilda. British Birds 51: 368-393

Williamson, K.  (1960) Development of young Snipe as studied by mist netting, St Kilda. Bird Study 7: 63-76

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Wilmott, A. J.  (1939) Notes on a Short Visit to Barra. Journal of Botany 77: 189-194

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