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Shucksmith, Rachel J.  (2015) Mass occurrence of Salpa fusiformis and records of the rare salps Cyclosalpa bakerii and Thetys vagina from northern Scotland. Marine Biodiversity Records 8 6pp.

Sigfússon, A. P. & Macleod, I.  (2010) Mink eradication – comparing Icelandic and Western Isles approaches. In Species management: challenges and solutions for the 21st century. Underwater Conservation Society/Nature Conservancy Council Report  pp. 247-264

Sinclair, J.  (1938) The Marine Algae of Barra. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 32: 432-437

Skartveit, J., Whittington, A. E. & Bland, K. P.  (2013) The distribution of Bibionidae (Diptera) in Scotland, United Kingdom. Studia dipterologica 20: 335-364

Skidmore, P.  (1993) Notes on the puparia of British Sphaeroceridae.. Dipterists Digest 13: 6-22

Skidmore, P.  (1994) Composite List of Diptera Collected in South Uist, Benbecula and North Uist in August 1989. Dipterists Digest 14: 44-52

Skidmore, P.  (1995) A Dipterological perspective on the Holocene history of the North Atlantic Area. University Of Sheffield. Ph.D thesis  

Skidmore, P.  (2008) A review of the Diptera of the Western Isles of Scotland. Dipterists Digest 15: 99-194

Smit, F. G. A. M.  (1957) The recorded distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Britain. Entomologist's Gazette 8: 45-75

Smit, F.G.A.M.  (1955) Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. . Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London  107: 341-356

Smit, F.G.A.M.  (1975) A new subspecies of shrew-flea, with a Lusitanian distribution.. Entomologist's Gazette  26 (4):  274-276

Smith, C.  (2018) North Uist - the "Scottish Galapagos": a hotspot of stickleback biodiversity. Hebridean Naturalist 18: 30-35

Smith, C., Spence, R. G. A., Barber, I., Przybylski, M. & Wootton, R.  (2014) The role of calcium and predation on plate morph evolution in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecology and Evolution 4: 3550-3554

Smith, K. G. V.  (1955) Some records of Syrphidae from the Hebrides and Westerness. Entomolgist's Monthly Magazine 91: 274

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Smith, M.  (1963) A colection of invertebrates from St Kilda between 1961 and 1963. Nature Conservancy  

Smith, P. A  (2017) Some interesting salt-tolerant plants of roadsides in the Outer Hebrides.. Hebridean Naturalist 16: 15-23

Smith, P. A.  (2010) Anthracoidea scirpi on the Isle of Lewis.. Field Mycology 11: 105-107

Smith, P. A.  (2012) Physoderma potteri rediscovered, on the Isle of Lewis.. Cecidology 27: 8-9

Smith, P. A.  (2017) History and distribution of Sagina procumbens forma daviesii. New Journal of Botany 7: 165-168

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