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Roper, T., Skidmore, P. & Pont, A. C.  (1999) Helina cinerella (Wulp, 1867) (Dipt., Muscidae), new to Britain.. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 135: 207-209

Rostron, R.  (1984) Western Isles sea loch survey, July 1984. Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report, Number 594  

Rothschild M.  (1952) A collection of fleas from the bodies of British birds, with notes on their distribution and host preferences. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology  2 (4):  187-232

Rothschild, M.  (1955) The distribution of Ceratophyllus borealis Rothschild 1906 [1907] and C. garei Rothschild, 1902 with records of specimens intermediate between the two. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 295-317

Rothschild, M.  (1958) Fleas from the nest of the St Kilda wren (Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis (Seeb.)). Entomologist 91: 76

Rothschild, M. & Clay T.  (1952) Fleas, Flukes and Cuckoos: a study of bird parasites. Collins, London  

Rothschild, M. & Smit F.G.A.M.   (1955) The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London  107:  356-372

Rothschild, N.  (1907) A new British flea. Entomologist 43: 11

Roy, S. S., Chauvenet, A. L. M. & Robertson, P. A.  (2015) Removal of American mink (Neovison vison) from the Uists, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Biolgical Invasions 17: 2811-2820

Roy, S. S., Macleod, I. & Moore, N. P.  (2006) The use of scent glands to improve the efficiency of mink (Mustela vison) captures in the Outer Hebrides. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 33: 367-271

RSPB  (2015) Scottish machair - Conserving machair habitats and species in a suite of Scottish Natura sites. [accessed August 2020]  

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