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Jackson, D. B.  (1988) Habitat selection and breeding ecology of three species of waders in the Western Isles of Scotland. University of Durham. Ph.D thesis  

Jackson, D. B.  (1994) Breeding dispersal and site-fidelity in three monogamous wader species in the Western Isles, UK. Ibis 136: 463-473

Jackson, D. B.  (2001) Experimental removal of introduced hedgehogs improves wader nest success. Journal of Applied Ecology 38: 802-812

Jackson, D. B.  (2003) Waders, hedgehogs and machair: research and conservation lessons from the Outer Hebrides.. Wader Study Group Bulletin 1: 14-19

Jackson, D. B.  (2006) The breeding biology of introduced hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) on a Scottish Island: lessons for population control and bird conservation.. Journal Zoology 268: 303-314

Jackson, D. B.  (2007) Factors affecting the abundance of introduced hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) on the Hebridean island of South Uist in the absence of natural predators, and the implications for ground-nesting birds. Journal of Zoology 271: 210-217

Jackson, D. B. & Green, R. E.  (2000) The importance of the introduced hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) as a predator of the eggs of waders (Charadrii) on machair in South Uist, Scotland. Biological Conservation 93: 333-348

Jackson, D. B., Fuller, R. J. & Campbell, S. T.  (2004) Long-term population changes among breeding shorebirds in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, in relation to introduced hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus). Biological Conservation 17: 151-166

Jenkins, D., Newton, I. & Brown, C.  (1976) Structure and dynamics of a Mute Swan population. Wildfowl 27: 77-82

Johnson, C.  (2013) Arrhenia umbratilis new to Britain. Field Mycology 14: 96-97

Johnson, C. D. N.  (2023) Descriptions of two previously undescribed species from the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK. Desmidiologische Mededelingen10: 16-22 

Johnson, C. D. N.  (2023) Three previously undescribed zygospores. Desmidiologische Mededelingen 10: 13-16

Johnson, C. D. N. & Johnson, C.  (2022) An Introduction to the Outer Hebrides. Desmidiologische Mededelingen 8: 14-17

Johnson, C.D.N.  (2023) Staurastrum uhtuense Grönblad 1921. Desmidiologische Mededelingen 11: 20-21

Johnson, C.D.N.  (2024) Cosmarium tasiussaqense R. Lenzenweger – rediscovered in the Outer Hebrides. Desmidiological Communications 12: 17-19

Johnson, C.D.N.  (2024) Description of a new desmid species, Cosmarium pankakoskiiforme, from the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, UK. Desmidiological Communications 12: 5-9

Johnson, Chris  (2021) Zygospore of Cosmarium venustum var. hypohexagonum. The Phycologist 100: 22-23

Joy, N. H.  (1908) Notes on Coleoptera from St Kilda, mainly collected from birds' nests. Annals Scottish Natural History  33-35

Joy, N. H.  (1926) Phyllodrepa puberla in St Kilda. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 62: 94

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