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Holt, J. R. (1991) Surveys of Scottish sealochs. Sealochs of the Islands of Harris and Lewis. Part II. Joint Nature Conservation Committee Report Number 4
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Howson, C. M. (1989) Surveys of Scottish sealochs. Sealochs on the Isles of Harris and Lewis. Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report
Howson, C. M. (1991) Surveys of Scottish sealochs. The sealochs of North and South Uist and Benbecula. Joint Nature Conservation Committee Report Number 3
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Hoyle, W. E. (1888) Report on the biological investigations of the sea to the west of Lewis during July and August. Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland (1887 Part III) Scientific Investigations
Hudson, P. J.& Cox, R. (1989) Mink Problems in the Outer Hebrides: a Pilot Study. Game Conservancy Annual Review 1988: 133-135
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