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Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1954) Botanical investigations in the Isles of Lewis, Harris, Taransay, Coppay Shillay in 1953. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 11: 135-142
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1954) Lepidoptera from the Outer Hebrides in 1953. Entomologist 87: 83-86
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1954) Observations on the vascular plants of the Outer Hebrides made in 1954. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 12: 29-34
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1954) The gall-gnat Syndiptosis petioli Kieffer in the Isle of Harris.. Entomolgist's Record and Journal of Variation 66: 28
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1955) Lepidoptera noted in the Outer Hebrides in 1954. Entomologist 88: 51-53
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1956) Rhopalomyia ptarmicae Vallot (Dipt. Cecidomyiidae) in the Outer Hebrides. Entomologist 89: 124
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1956) Botanising in the Outer Hebrides in 1955 and 1956. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 12: 141-149
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1956) Further observations on the Lepidoptera of the Outer Hebrides. Entomologist 89: 285-290
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1956) Immigrant Lepidoptera in the Outer Hebrides in 1955. Entomologist 89: 87
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1956) Lepidoptera in the Isles of Lewis and Harris in 1955. Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation 68: 40-43
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1956) On field studies of the distribution of the plants and animals of the Scottish Western Isles. Proceedings Linnean Society 167: 103-106
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1957) Botanical investigations in the Isles of Lewis, Harris and Great Bernera in 1957. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 13: 54-62
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1958) Botanical investigations in the Isles of Lewis, Harris and Great Bernera (v.-c. 110) and in the Isle of Rhum (v.-c. 104) in 1957. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 13: 80-88
Heslop Harrison, J. W. (1958) Lepidoptera in the Scottish Western Isles. Entomologist 91: 79-86
Heslop Harrison, J. W. & Blackburn, K. B. (1946) The occurrence of a nut of Trapa natans L. in the Outer Hebrides, with some account of the peat bogs adjoining the loch in which the discovery was made. New Phytologist 45: 124-131
Heslop Harrison, J. W. & Bolton, E. (1938) The Rosa flora of the Inner Outer Hebrides of other Scottish Islands. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 33: 424-431
Heslop Harrison, J. W. & Clark, W. A. (1941) Hybrid Potamogetons on the Isle of Benbecula. Occasional notes from the Department of Botany, King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne 2: 1-4
Heslop Harrison, J. W. & Clark, W. A. (1941) Pondweeds in the Outer Hebrides. Occasional notes from the Department of Botany, King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne 3: 1-3
Heslop Harrison, J. W. & Clark, W. A. (1942) Hebridean Potamogetons and their identification. Occasional notes from the Department of Botany, King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne 4: 1-4
Heslop Harrison, J. W. & Harrison, G. H. (1940) Further observations on the Psyllidae (Hemipt.) of the Inner and Outer Hebrides. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 70