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Fraser, J. H.  (2011) The Distribution of Medusae in the Scottish Area. Proceedings Royal Society Edinburgh. Section. B. Biological Sciences 74: 1-25

Freeman, P.  (1987) British Sciaridae (Diptera); new species and records with notes on the Tuomikoski collection.. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 123: 195-204

Fremlin, H. S.  (1900) Collecting in the Isle of Lewis. Entomologist 33: 37-39

Fuller, E.  (1999) The Great Auk. Harry N. Abrams, Inc  

Fuller, R.  (2018) Breeding waders on three Outer Hebridean dune systems over three decades: influences of habitat quality. Hebridean Naturalist 18: 56-65

Fuller, R. J.  (1978) Breeding Populations of Ringed Plovers and Dunlins in the Uists and Benbecula, Outer Hebrides. Bird Study 25: 97-102

Fuller, R. J.  (1981) The breeding habitats of waders on North Uist machair. Scottish Birds 11: 142-152

Fuller, R. J.  (1983) The relative growth of bill, tarsus and wing of Lapwing chicks in the Outer Hebrides. Ringing & Migration 4: 139-144

Fuller, R. J. & Jackson, D. B.  (1999) Changes in populations of breeding waders on the machair of North Uist, Scotland,. Wader Study Group Bulletin 90: 47-55

Fuller, R. J., Humphreys, E. M., Wilson, J. D., Hoccom, D. G. & Calladine, J.  (2010) Changes in the breeding wader populations of the machair of the Western Isles, Scotland, between 2000 and 2007. Bird Study 57: 121-124

Fuller, R. J., Reed, T. M., Buxton, N. S., Webb, A., Williams, T. D. & Pienkowski, M. W.  (1986) Population of breeding waders Charadrii and their habitats on the crofting lands of the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Biological Conservation 37: 333-361

Fuller, R. J., Wilson, J. R., & Coxon, P.  (1979) Birds of the Outer Hebrides: waders. Proceeding Royal Society Edinburgh. Section B Biological Sciences 77: 419-430

Furness, R. W. & Todd, C. M.  (1984) Diets and feeding of fulmars Fulmarus glacialis during the breeding season: a comparison between St Kilda and Shetland colonies. Ibis 126 

Fust, H. J.  (1873) Hemiptera in Harris. Scottish Naturalist  2: 63

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