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Donisthorpe, H.  (1930) An annotated list of the additions to the British coleopterous fauna, made since the publication of the supplementary volume (VI) of Fowler's Coleoptera of the British Islands. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 66: 23-31, 94-101

Drake, C. M.  (2018) A review of the status of the Dolichopodidae flies of Great Britain. . Species Status No.30., Natural England, Number 195  

Duck, C.  (2010) Surveys of harbour (common) seals around Scotland August 2008. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report Number 361  

Duck, C., Morris, C.& N.E.R.C. Sea Mammal Research Unit  (2012) Surveys of harbour, common and grey seals in the Outer Hebrides and the Moray Firth in August 2011. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report Number 518  

Duffey, E. A. G.  (1959) Spiders taken on St Kilda with extracts from a field note-book.. St Kilda Nature Reserve RecordNature Conservancy (Unpublished)  

Duffy, E.  (1979) Invertebrate Fauna of Dune and Machair Sites in Scotland. Vol I Introduction, Methods and Analysis of Data. Nature Conservancy Council Report ITE Project 469  

Duineveld G. C. A,, Jeffreys R. M., Lavaleye M. S. S., Davies A. J., Bergman M. J. N., Watmough T. & Witbaard R.  (2012) Spatial and tidal variation in food supply to shallow cold-water coral reefs of the Mingulay Reef complex (Outer Hebrides, Scotland). Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 444: 97-115

Duncan, N., Bullock, D. & Taylor, K.  (1981) The Boreray 1980 Expedition: A Report on the Ecology and Natural History of Boreray, St Kilda. Department of Zoology, University of Durham  

Dunn, M. D.  (1937) Notes on the flora of Loch Harray and Loch Stenness and a comparison with the brackish-water lochs of North Uist. Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 32: 368-372

Dunn, R.  (2013) Mingulay Seabird & Cetacean Monitoring Report 2013. National Trust for Scotland  

Duns, Professor  (1866) On the natural history of Lewis. Proceedings Royal Society Edinburgh 5: 615-625

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