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Campbell, R.N.B.   (1986) Surveys of 61 lochs in Outer Hebrides mainly on NNRs and SSSIs June-September 1986. Unpublished report to Nature Conservancy Council, Inverness  

Carter, A. E. J. & Waterston, J.  (1909) On some Scottish Diptera; Stratiomyidae to Asilidae. Annals Scottish Natural History 18: 91-96

Champion, C. G.  (1901) Coleoptera at Stornoway, Lewis. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 37 

Chandler, P. J.  (1998) Notes on the Scatopsidae (Diptera) including Pharsoreichertella simplicinervis (Duda 1928) new to Britain. Dipterists Digest (Second Series) 5: 83-88

Chandler, P. J.  (2000) The Scottish Moth Flies (Diptera, Psycholidae). Dipterists Digest (Second Series) 7: 71-78

Chapman, A.  (1918) Notes and Onservations on the Birds of North Uist in May 1883. The Scottish Naturalist 78: 121-132

Charleswoth, G.  (2018) Comparison of sheep tick, Ixodes Ricinus, between a littoral site and two inland sites on South Uist, Scotland. Hebridean Naturalist 18: 03-Nov

Charman, T., Sears, J., Bourke, A. F. G. & Green, R. E.  (2009) Phenology of Bombus distinguendus in the Outer Hebrides. Glasgow Naturalist 25: 35-42

Chater, A. O. & Smith, P. A.  (2018) Entorrhiza smut fungus root galls on Juncus and Cyperaceae. Cecidology 33: 2-4, 24

Chater, A. O. & Smith, P. A.  (2018) Recent finds of Entorrhiza root smuts. Field Mycology 19: 55-60

Cheke, A. S. & Reed, T. M.  (1987) The Flora of Berneray, Mingulay and Pabbay, Outer Hebrides, in 1964. Scottish Naturalist  63-102

Cheney, B. et al.  (2013) Integrating multiple data sources to assess the distribution and abundance of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in Scottish waters. Mammal Review 43 (1): 71-88

Chevalier, M., Pye, S., Porter, J. & Chambers, S.  (2014) Hydrobiidae on North Uist. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report Number 559  

Clark, W. A.  (1938) The flora of the islands of Mingulay and Berneray. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 10: 56-70

Clark, W. A.  (1939) Noteworthy plants from North Uist, Baleshare, Monach Islands, Harris, Taransay, Mingulay and Berneray (V.C. 110). Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 10: 124-129

Clark, W. A.  (1939) Remarks on certain Outer Hebridean plants. The Vasculum 25: 73-75

Clark, W. A.  (1939) The occurrence of Arenaria norvegica Gunn. and Thlaspi alpestre Linn. on Rhum (v.c. 104) and Carex Halleri Gunn. on North Uist (v.c. 110). Journal of Botany 77: 4-5

Clark, W. A.  (1942) Pondweeds from North Uist (V.-C 110), with a special consideration of Potamogeton rutilus Wolfg. and a new hybrid. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 10: 368-373

Clark, W. A.  (1956) Plant distribution in the Western Isles. Proceedings Linnean Society 167: 96-103

Clark, W. A. & Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) Noteworthy plants from Great and Little Bernera (Lewis), Pabbay and Berneray (Harris) and the Uig district of Lewis. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 10: 214-221

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