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Angus, S. & Dargie, T.  (2009) The UK Machair Habitat Action Plan: Progress and problems. Botanical Journal of Scotland 54: 63-74

Angus, S. & Elliott, M. M.  (1992) Problems of erosion in Scottish machair with particular reference to the Outer Hebrides. In Coastal dunes: geomorphology, ecology and management for conservation. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam.  pp. 93-112

Angus, S. & Hansom, J. D.  (2004) Tir a’mhachair, tir nan loch? Climate change scenarios for Scottish machair systems: a wet future? In Delivering sustainable coasts: connecting science and policy. Cambridge Publications.  pp. 565-569

Angus, S. & Hopkins, P.  (1997) Rattus rattus confirmed in the Shiant Isles, Outer Hebrides. Scottish Naturalist 109: 33-38

Angus, S. & Maclennan, D.  (2015) The management of offshore islands for nature conservation: the outer Outer Hebrides. Journal Coastal Conservation 19: 885-896

Angus, S., Scott, S., Darwell, A. & Stewart, N  (2015) Bird’s nest stonewort. In The Species Action Framework Handbook. Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby, Perth  

Anon  (1949) Final Report on Nature Reserves in Scotland.Cmd.7814. HMSO, Edinburgh  

Anon  (2010) Native Woodland Survey of Scotland. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Summary Report. Forestry Commission Scotland  

Anonymous  (1938) A new county flora of certain areas in the Inner and Outer Hebrides. The Vasculum 24: 101

Anonymous  (1938) The chronicles of the King's College expeditions to the Inner and Outer Hebrides. VI. We visit Heisker. The Vasculum 24: 123-126

Anonymous  (2002) Coll, Tiree and the Western Isles. Scottish Natural Heritage  

Anonymous  (2002) OUR NATURE A Framework for Biodiversity Action in the Western Isles. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Stornoway, Western Isles  

Anonymous  (2008) Western Isles Native Woodland Restoration Survey Report. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Stornoway, Western Isles  

Ansell, A. D., Angus, I. S. & Robb, L.  (1985) Variations in shell morphology and growth of the banded wedge shell Donax vittatus in populations in Lewis and Harris. Scottish Marine Biological Association Internal Report, Number 131  

Ansell, A. D., Robb, L. & Powell, H. T  (1988) Algal-induced dislodgement as a cause of bivalve mortality on some Scottish beaches. Journal Marine Biological Association U.K 68: 219-233

ASH design + assessment  (2011) Landscape/seascape capacity for aquaculture: Outer Hebrides pilot study. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No.460.  

Atkinson, A. & Ainslie, J. A.  (1940) The British Breeding Status of Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel. British Birds 34: 50-55

Atkinson, R.  (1938) Natural history notes from certain Scottish islands - North Rona, the Flannan Isles, Handa Island. Scottish Naturalist  145-147

Atkinson, R.  (1940) Notes on the botany of North Rona and Sula Sgeir. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 33: 52-60

Axelsson, M., Dewey, S. & Doran, J.  (2010) Broad Scale Mapping of Marine Features within the North Rona Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report Number 386