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Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1939) The gall-making Hymenoptera of some of the western islands of Scotland. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 75: 60-63

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) Brachycolus stellariae Hardy (Hem., Aphididae) in the Outer Hebrides. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 53

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) Dytiscus lapponicus L. (Col.) in the Isle of South Uist. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 52

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) Gerris aspera Fieb. (Hemipt., Heteropt.) a species new to the Hebrides.. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine  76: 53

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) Hydroecia paludis Tutt (Lep., Agrotidae) in the Isle of South Uist. The Entomologis's Monthly Magazine 76: 128

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) Hemerobius marginatus Stephens (Neuroptera) in the Isle of South Uist. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 21-22

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) A day's collecting in the Isle of S. Uist. Entomologist 73: 1-4

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) A further contribution to our knowledge of the gall-making Hymenoptera of the western islands of Scotland. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 33-34

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) More Hebridean days. 1. The Isle of Muldoanich and Uidh peninsula of Vatersay. Entomologist  73: 101-103

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) More records of gall-making Hymenoptera in the Inner and Outer Hebrides. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 245-246

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) The common blue in the Isles of Pabbay, Fladday and Fiaray (Barra Isles). Entomologist 73: 50

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) The dragonfly Cordulegaster boltonii Don. in the Hebrides. Entomologist  73: 117

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) The gall gnat Janetiella thymi Kieffer (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on the isle of Fiaray. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 52-53

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) The habitats of Cicindela campestris L. (Col.) in the Inner and Outer Hebrides. The Entomologis's Monthly Magazine 76: 53

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1940) The range of Argynnis aglaia (L.) (Lep., Nymphalidae) in the Outer Hebrides. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 76: 274

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1941) Cidaria fulvata Först. (Lep.Geometridae) new to the Outer Hebrides". The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 77: 278

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1941) Colias croceus F. in the Isle of Harris. Entomologist 74: 278

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1941) Orthezia cataphracta Shaw (Hem., Coccidae) in the Isle of Harris. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 77: 280

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1941) A preliminary flora of the Outer Hebrides. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 10: 228-273

Heslop Harrison, J. W.  (1941) Flora and fauna of the Inner and Outer Hebrides. Nature 147: 134-136

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